Focusing too heavily on the who and what we once were steals momentum from the where,the who or what we can become…  The promise of who we can become demands we leave behind those restraints that held us…… E.L. Burton

“Truth cuts through the din of what afflicts us as a society and as a country because the truth is simple.  The truth is a sweet divine principle handed to man by God in order to free him.  Unfortunately today we are witness to the purveyors of deception masquerading as the solution offering hope.  They call themselves our leaders, they are in our schools, places of worship and seated in political office.  Do not be fooled, challenge those who profess to be your leader all the while remembering that the truth is simple while deceit wells in the complexity of convoluted words handed to us by men of limited integrity in the pursuit of self-serving interests.”

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“There exists a balance in this world, for every sunrise there is a sunset, there are births as well as death, great happiness as well as deep pain, evil as well as good.  Realizing that evil exists acknowledges this balance. We must know one to appreciate the other.”

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“It began with struggling through the first mile and along the way there was two, then four then before you knew it it ended with your goal in hand and the only question that remains is “What’s next!”

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“The success of America was built on a foundation of individual successes, people willing to take risk and work hard, the problem with Democrats these days is that they believe that success was designed and defined by government, that success was built on the back of bureaucrats instead of recognizing that it took individuals willing to “BUILD IT.”  Of course that is just my take.” 

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“A people yearning to control their destiny rather than have their destiny dictated to them wins the path to freedom.  Living in America today we tend to forget that freedom isn't something that can be granted or given to you, freedom is something that must be seized by the oppressed.  Once realized it must be cultivated diligently and defended passionately.“

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“In a debate or a disagreement the instant we acquiesce to the seeds of enmity we have already disengaged from our pursuit of the truth and we begin the journey of satisfying only ourselves.” 

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“I believe that nobody controls my destiny, nobody holds the pen that will author my life.  I believe in the power of the individual and with that knowledge I choose to write the narrative that is my life and take responsibility for the story that is told.”

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“When I was young I spent a great deal of time looking back at what I had completed.  As I gain in age and maturity I spend more looking ahead at what needs to be accomplished.”

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“Seeking and doing are two separate actions, if you have done nothing you will be remembered for nothing.  Do something and be remembered as someone who was capable of both actions.” 

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“Ignorance is merely an excuse for the acceptance of the status quo.  Be bold in your pursuit of knowledge, accept nothing and question everything or risk dwelling in the stagnant pond of ignorance.”

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“Potential is nothing more than perceived expectations unrealized.  Never mistake potential for the heart and grit of actual achievement.”

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“A mirror reflects only a single dimension of a man.  Hidden beneath can exist a tortured and twisted image of that which appears on its surface normal even appealing.  The moral is that looking good doesn’t mean that you are good.” 

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“There comes a day where your desires for your children and their dreams for themselves diverge, therefore, the duty of a parent is simple.  Build a strong foundation for your children, arm then with the tools necessary to continue the work and then stand back and have faith in the foundation you constructed and the knowledge you imparted.”

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